A good effort!

I really have been out of touch with all of the moustache palaver! Until last night I hadn't posted on here since April 2012. I haven't sported a proper mo for some while - probably last Movember! And I haven't looked at my moustache video until just now and I got a pleasant surprise...

16000 views! That is incredible. The last time I looked it hadn't even got past 10000 views!

If you haven't seen it yet, or even in a while you can see it here...

Pretty darn awesome!

Still trying to figure out whether to keep this blog going or not!



Its been a while....

Hello World.

I havent posted for nearly 18 months. During this time I have sported a fair few moustaches (including one that raised a further £650 for charity - Last Movember)! I have travelled Europe, completed my degree (Graduating with a 2:1 in Physics and Astrophysics), developed an awesome relationship with A GIRL (moving in together this weekend), had a sweet holiday in Holland, and obtained a new motor vehicle.

I am considering returning to blogging, be it on this blog or elsewhere, but I shall keep you posted!

OHHH! The people who mugged me and my friend (see my last post before this) were caught and jailed!

Life is sweet.


