Beardybeard update...

...and so many decisions!

This photo goes realllllllyyyy big should you dare to click it.
In my last post I mentioned a goatee that I had been cultivating. It probably isn't good news that it's annoying me a little bit now. I might get rid of it tomorrow morning, I shall see how I feel. That's motivation right there! I'll work on that before November! That's decision number one.

The second decision is regarding where I grow my facial hair in November. I could go all out and just not shave. OR I could shave everywhere leaving my moustache emphasised! I shall ponder this over the coming months. Your feedback is more than welcome (if not expected).

Finally, I need to figure out when my last shave is going to be. If I shave on November 1st then I will waste a few days with very little stubble. If i shave a week before the 1st, then I stand more chance of actually growing a half decent (and hopefully half impressive moustache. I do fancy the idea of looking like Ron Burgundy (see post 1) or Albert Einstein. I shall also ponder this, but I think I will give myself the extra week. After all, I still won't shave in November.

Let the pondering commence.


P.S. You will have to excuse the bags under my eyes, bad photo etc. I have just come off an 11hr30min shift.

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