Style is Everything...

We live in a time where fashion and style are incredibly important. It recently came to my attention that my untamed moustache is going to go wild if precautionary measures are not taken.

To counter a moustache style disaster I ordered some of Capt. Fawcett's Moustache Wax, pictured below.

The wax I ordered is lightly scented with sandalwood
With any luck I will look as stylish and suave as this cat dog. The internet loves animals, but in my opinion this gentleman kitty doggy is one of the best online animals out there.

Gentleman kitty doggy approves...
I will be very quick to show you my styled moustache when it arrives this week.

Now for a joke? Bad jokes are sometimes the best. I am not sure in this case...

An angry mob is walking through the streets when someone yells, "Hey! Lets hang that guy with a moustache!"

Someone else yells, "Nah, lets use a rope!"

I have to admit, I did laugh when I heard that last night. (Thanks Sam.)

Anyway, I will post again when my wax comes!

Good day,



Edit: It has kindly been bought to my attention that this is in fact a dog, not a cat. Apologies for the falseness of my post, the website that I found it said that it was a cat. Thank you to the person who corrected me.

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely still a dog. A Pomeranian to be exact
