
New everything!

I am sitting at my new desk in my new room in my new house. :) We have finally got internet, thanks to the Virgin man for waking me up far too early!

I am still unpacking boxes and sorting things out in my room, like put up the rest of my posters. I will be finished by this time next month? Unpacking is LONG & boring!

The first poster to go up was this excellent purchase.

I'm 17 days into my hairy adventure and its looking gooooood. I'll show the world soon!


First fortnight fluff


It has now been two weeks since I was last rid of any hair on my upper lip.

14 days later I am through the itching (hopefully) and can show you my first fortnight fluff.

I am currently not shaving at all. Let's see where it goes! I do, however, promise to shave the beard and sport just a mo for the 11th month of this fine year.

Sorry for the short post. I HAVE PACKING TO DO! (and the footy to watch!)




This morning I received an email from a member of Breast Cancer Care detailing how I have breached copyright by saying I am participating in "Movember". The Movember Foundation direct money raised to worthy mens cancer charities, but because I am not raising money for them, but for Breast Cancer Care instead, I am unable to use the brand name Movember.

For this, I would like to apologise, I am not associated with raising money for Movember (This year!!), but would like to help direct people in the direction of their website. One of the main charities associated with Movember is The Prostate Cancer Charity (TPCC).

So despite not officially participating in Movember, I will continue to grow a moustache to raise money for Breast Cancer.


That bloke just growing a mo.


The First 11 Days.

In my last post I announced my premature start to a hairy adventure. My last upper lip shave was on the 9th of September. 11 days later I have the beginnings of a large handlebar moustache. I have been taking a photo a day so I can see the masterpiece evolve. 

Today, I will share a few of those photos with you all. I have also chopped my mop-like hair, which is a clear improvement (in my opinion, of course).

Day 1

Upper-lip baldness (I miss it already)

Day 4

The regular stubble is apparent. Before my downfall into moustache addiction, I would shave at this point.

Day 8 

Moved past the first week checkpoint. In my work uniform, I got a compliment on my "moustache" from a regular customer.

Day 9

Longer mo, shorter mop.

Day 11

Today, Last shift in work, itchy face.

I will continue to take these photos for the duration, and will try and post them regularly :) Please keep donating!! 

For now, G'day!



P.S. Yes, that is an original Buzz Lightyear in original packaging from Disney in Florida after the first Toy Story was released!

An Announcement...

Good evening,

If you are reading this blog, you are more than likely to know that I will be growing a moustache in support of Breast Cancer this November. Now, I am pretty sure that I would be able to grow a moustache comparable to the following photo.

Clearly, this is a fake moustache, and actually brings back so excellent memories of a close friends 18th. (Yes, we dressed up as The Village People, what of it?).

Anyway, a Mo like that would be splendid, BUT, what if I started growing now? My last upper lip shave was on the 9th of September, so it could be HUGE!! I have posted this question on Facebook and as you can see, several people support this decision.

So, after some thought, I have decided to grow my mo from NOW, until the end of November.

Lets raise more money and awareness for an excellent cause!!!!


Your soon to be hairy friend.


Bye bye bro, have a mo.

Evening. Please excuse the short, brief post.

As many of you may be aware, my brother moves off to Uni tomorrow. He is off to study Photography at Leeds College of Art. I am very jealous, I wish I still had my whole degree lying in front of me! (His blog is here...)

Anyway, I thought I would prepare him a little with this emergency moustache.

Who knows? It might become useful for a spot of fancy dress in freshers?

George also found these for me when he was perusing the inter webs the other day. He needs to buy them for me ;)

OH! One last thing for George, this poster/ pic/ idea or whatever would be very suitable, I am sure that all of his new friends & flatmates will be very cool and "hip".

Anyway, its now very late, and I need to be up in something stupid like 5 hours. At least I can sleep in the car... LEEDS HERE WE COME!!! 

Night night,




Historic tache!

After work on Monday I stayed behind to have a "quiet pint" with a colleague seeing as it was his last shift. I was then (very easily) persuaded to accompany him to Revs 'Bite night'. Turned into an excellent night, especially when he decided to start buying the bubbly! (Cheers Rob) :)

Anyway, as I was standing at work with a pint waiting for him to finish work, I received an email from my Aunt. She had scanned in a photograph of my dad from when he graduated. I don't think I can say much else about the photo, it really does speak for itself!

Handlebar tache is winning.
Despite the epic brilliance of this photo, I know that I have seen another snap of him with a similar tache. I shall continue to hunt it down!

If anyone has photos of family members with moustaches, I would love to show them to the world! (Get permission first!)

I am also going to make an attempt to photograph myself every day so I can make a video of my mo-grow. Pic one was taken today. (I will obviously need more than 30 or so photos.)





Good afternoon,

You may remember me mentioning that I sent round an email to family and family friends mentioning my blog and fundraising page. In my post yesterday I published an excellent photo of my dad's cousin. Further to this photo, I also received a story from a relative about my great, great uncle. Great, great Uncle  Fred sported a moustache for most of his life. I am still hunting a photo of him with his moustache, but so far have only found a piccie of him without one.

One year, Fred went on holiday with his family to a canal boat. (You can just imagine him standing at the back of the boat like a boss, with his moustache on display to the world) Anyway, it rained for most of the holiday, and being stuck inside a canal boat in the rain for longer than a few hour sounds SO boring, so understandably the kids got a little bored.

In a massive attempt to liven things up a bit, Fred vanished into his cabin and emerged having shaved half of his moustache! I consider this to be a VERY bold move. I can just see myself being very protective over my mo in November, they're precious things!! I mean, demoting half of your face to baldness just to ask the question "Which side do you prefer?" is bad enough, but to then hear that they preferred the moustached side must have been torture!

Still, despite my confusion at the bold move that he made, I must say I respect the braveness to sport half a moustache. I do not know how long he had half a tache for, but it has certainly made for a great story.

Continuing with the half a tache theme, I needed to shave this morning, so thought I would give a photo to support this post...

Another weeks growth compared to a freshly smooth face!
I must add, that I only had half a smooth face for around 10 minutes, it quickly became a fully smooth face. :) I am not brave (or stupid) enough to strut around MK with that setup.

In other news, my OLD gentleman of a friend has now jetted (hitchhiked) his way off around Europe, but we did have a good time celebrating his 21st with a few beers on Saturday night. Also, I am very excited to move back to Leicester, I can't wait for the inevitable house warming party we will hold and I am itching to do some Physics!

Finally, I think the photos of my dad have surfaced, I am awaiting an email and will show you all as soon as I can (so effectively as soon as I have permission to embarrass!!)

Until next time..



Blast from the past

You will have to excuse me for not posting much recently, I have been at work a fair bit, But with an evening off, I thought a quick post was required before I hit the pub. (Happy 21st Anthony!!)

I would like to begin with a big thank you to some recent donations! A few very kind donations of £50 leaves me about a tenner short of making HALF my target!! I am very happy at the generosity people have shown to supporting a worth cause and  helping me raise awareness. One of the recent donations was accompanied by a photo of my Dad's cousin from 1975. He has kindly allowed me to pop it on here. Remember, if you are reading this and you used to have a tache, or know someone who has/ used to have a tache then please let me know, I would be happy to put as many of them up as possible. Let's share the moustaches.

Behold, a marvellous mo...

I wish more people these days grew moustaches, I am currently hunting a photo of my Dad with a handlebar mo. I KNOW ITS OUT THERE...

As mentioned in my Coming Up post a week ago, I said that I had gone for something other than the tropical face paints.

I will let this photo describe itself...

An english gentleman or a pirate on his day off? I HAD to have a moustache though, it was the obvious choice.

Until next time, good day.

The pub calls.

