Let me start with an apology, I haven't blogged this week due to various Physics assignments and a couple of house viewings. Sorry about that!
In this post I aim to enlighten you all with some more up to date photos of how my moustache is coming along. It has now been a few weeks since halloween, but I will start the update with a few pictures from our Zombie night out.
We spent most of two hours sorting out our makeup, shirts and most importantly creating our wounds. We used liquid latex and tissue paper to build up layers which, when painted look like real injuries.
A bit too much eye makeup?
(See below for more..) |
Many people that night also dressed as zombies, which made for an interesting evening, but when you dress as a zombie, you need a little more than a red marker pen to do your wounds. The extra effort goes a long way doesn't it?
How real does that look?! |
So I entered November looking like a crazed moustache wearing zombie. A few days later and I was looking ridiculous once again. Before we went to the Students Union for the "Red Leicester" club night I was promised a donation to my
Justgiving page if I wore eyeliner for the night.
I figured if I have been growing a mo for upwards of two months then how bad could it be? What I completely forgot to consider was the fact that a 20 year old student with a fairly substantial moustache attracts a fair bit of attention. As I mentioned a few posts back, many people approach me on nights out with compliments etc. Many even ask if it is real.
Anyway, the eyeliner was brought up by many many people that night, never again do I want random people coming over to me with "are you wearing eyeliner?". In most cases I managed to answer the question with one swift hand gesture...
was scribbled on my hand. Here is one of the rather embarrassing photos from that night.
They LOVED it. |
This pretty much brings me up to date with the interesting pictures that i have to share, except this, Day 65
Todays (no. 65) tache. |
As always, I would like to extent my gratitude to all of those who have donated. The support really means a lot, I have now raised £724!
OVER SEVEN HUNDRED POUNDS! That's over twice my original £300 target.
Now, although this is an excellent amount so far, I must stress that this is 'so far'. I want to continue to raise money and absolutely smash my target. If that means wearing more eyeliner or doing other embarrassing things (within reason of course) in return for donations to Breast Cancer Care then so be it! If you have any ideas comment below with your idea and how much you will sponsor me to do said thing and I will strongly consider it!
Until next time, adios, and good luck to all of the gentlemen participating in Movember, some of the Mos that i have seen so far look fairly impressive!